REVIEW: Biotin pills

Biotin pills are used to help promote growth of the nails and hair, it also helps with the clearing of the skin. About two months ago, my sister gave me these pills and ever since I have been using them. The Biotin pills were purchased at the local drug store for under $10 and the dosage of the pills were 1,000 each. Honestly, the pills are alright. They have helped with the clearing of my skin. I have read that you are suppose to drink a lot of water for each pill that you take. I'm not really sure if the pill or water is the reason my skin has been clearing up. My nails have become stronger, but that can be a result of me drinking tons of water as well.

I honestly started taking these pills because I wanted my hair to grow, but that hasn't been the case. I'm not sure if its the dosage or if I'm not taking it incorrectly, but I do not see a difference in my hair. My hair has been shedding like crazy which makes me begin to think the dosage is too high. I try to take the pills around 2 or 3 times a week since the every day dosage is too high. I think that the pills would work better if you have a protective style such as braids or twist  in your hair.  My every day hair routine and the pills are putting too much stress on my hair. With a protective style and the pills, I believe that my hair will be fuller and longer over time. I recommend asking your doctor first before going out to buy the pills. These pills are made for you to benefit from, and without professional saying its okay it might not be as beneficial as you would like.

xoxo Girlwithnaturalcurls


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